PROTEC is always delighted to hear stories about our alumni who are graduating from universities and colleges around the country, embarking on successful careers or entrepreneurial ventures, giving  back to PROTEC by engaging with our PROTEC learners, living out the values they were encouraged to learn in life skills classes, and still holding a torch for PROTEC as their alma mater. Here we proudly bring you some stories from past students.

Calling all our PROTEC alumni!

You’ll always be an important part of the PROTEC family! Please keep us updated on your news. Send your videos, photos, and details through to Helene Botes, our PROTEC Post-school and Alumni Manager, at or WhatsApp on 0677182404.

Mzokuthula Innocent Zulu

 PROTEC Tongaat alumnus

“I joined PROTEC in Grade 9, and recognised that this was a huge opportunity for me, being the ‘cream of the crop’ as Mrs Takis would often call us.

“PROTEC pushed me to be the best I could be. I knew if I excelled at PROTEC, school would be easier, and that proved to be true. PROTEC also helped me understand friendly competition, and I enjoyed engaging with learners from different schools.

“I remember:

  • The World of Work classes that prepared us for varsity and post-varsity
  • A visit to Aurecon and one of their construction sites for work exposure
  • We participated in Bridge Building competitions with SAICE
  • Alumni addressing us and keeping us in line with our with our goals and dreams

“Today I am part of the PROTEC Alumni with a BTech in Civil Engineering from the Durban University of Technology and embarking on a career that started with building bridges using sticks and glue. Without PROTEC, it would have been a much bigger mountain to climb to realise my dream. I am forever grateful for this wonderful programme.”

Mzokuthula’s engineering journey

Ayanda Mhlongo

PROTEC Stanger alumnus

Ayanda Mhlongo was a PROTEC Stanger learner from 2016 to 2018. He says from the moment he joined, he never looked back. He graduated with a Diploma in Civil Engineering from Mangosuthu University of Technology in 2021 and is now seeking experiential learning and in-service training.

He adds, “As soon as I joined the PROTEC programme, my grades changed. I had been an average student and I hadn’t seen myself being capable of majoring in civil engineering, but PROTEC made it possible for me. PROTEC allows you to grow beyond high school, envisioning a university and career path that suits you best.”

Tremayne Gerber

PROTEC Stanger alumnus

Tremayne Gerber also matriculated in 2018, joining PROTEC in 2016 through to matric in 2018, and completed his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the Mangosuthu University of Technology 2021.

He says a PROTEC field trip to Public Works made it clear that the country needs more engineers, and a visit to the University of KZN cemented his interest in becoming an engineer. He says, “I always knew PROTEC would shape my career path and prepare me for university.”

Tharisha Ramdial

PROTEC INK alumnus

Tharisha joined PROTEC INK in 2015. “PROTEC assisted me with extra Maths, Physics and English classes, which were very helpful. The PROTEC educators were always willing to assist – and the tuition I received made it possible to achieve above average marks, apply to university and receive a bursary. When I matriculated in 2017, I received a laptop from Protec which made a big difference throughout my studies. In 2021 I completed by BEd (Senior & FET Phase) degree through UNISA in 2021.

Asabele Sabelo

 PROTEC Umbogintwini alumnus

Asabele Sabelo matriculated in 2018 and graduated this year with a BSc Physics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He is now doing his honours in Astrophysics and Space Science, and is proudly part of the National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme.

Nthuthuku Nxumalo

PROTEC Umbogintwini alumnus

Nthuthuku Nxumalo also matriculated in 2018 and graduated this year with a Bachelor of Information Technology Degree from the Durban University of Technology. He says, “I am now a DUT alumnus. Thank you so much to PROTEC Umbogintwini for your inspiration and motivation. I’m a graduate because you guys pushed me to do my best and stay focused.”

About us

PROTEC is a leading South African non-profit organisation, operating nationally in the field of STEM education since 1982.

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